my,your,his,her,its,our,their 3

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Ben is a boy. name is Ben Scott.
Debbie has got a dog. dog is lively.
The dog is very lively. name is Ben.
We are at school. school is in Vienna.
You have got an English book. English book is green.
I'm from Chester. parents are from Chester, too.
The Guptas have got a restaurant. restaurant is great.
The rabbit is white. cage is in the garden.
You are not English. name is not an English name.
Sita and Jenny are friends. school is in Chester.
The Scotts have got a new car. car is English.
Emma Peel has got a brother. name is Paul.
Nick Baker has got a sister. name is Debbie.
Yes, we have got a dog. dog is very old.
The Snows have got a tortoise(=schildpad). name is Trundle.
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